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Share Your Message, Empower Your Audience, Inspire Action 


Audio Interviews

How it works
Our audio products are specifically designed to make it easier for brands to connect with their audience. Our goal is to convey your message through your brand’s voice—and we mean that literally. Typically, we will host an interview where you’ll have the chance to tell your customers about you, your business and what you stand for. If you’d like to put a face to the name, we can also capture the interview via video. What’s more, our audio interviews can easily be converted to text via next-gen automated transcript tools. 

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Prices start at $210 for an unedited 15 minute recording. We offer different tiers of editing and customized video content services with varying prices. Typically, most 15-minute audio projects cost between $200 and $500. Give us a call or get in touch and we’d be happy to give you a quote!

Live Action Interviews

How it works
Our live action interviews are usually done via an online meeting. We recommend you provide us with a brief outline of the topics and discussion points you’d like us to cover. Don’t worry about scripts: Influence Spotlights will take it from there! Our seasoned hosts will ensure you feel comfortable and completely at ease and help you share your message and find your voice. Upon request, we can also shoot our live action interviews with a green screen so you can edit the background.


Prices start at $210 for an unedited recording. Based on any extras you’d like to add and the level of editing, most 15-minute live interview projects we complete fall in the $200-$750 range.

Interviews With Imagery

How it works

Take your interview to the next level with the special interview with imagery option. Typically, we will record the interview audio-only and edit it professionally during the next step, which is when we also add relevant imagery. The goal is to find complimentary images that enhance your message and help retain your audience’s attention. We can also add animation to make your interview all the more engaging.


Prices vary based on complexity and length. Typically, a 5-minute video with images starts at $350: number of images, length, animation and movement inclusion can all be added as an extra. On the high end, 5-minute videos typically come at approximately $750-$1,000.

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